Getting Your Expertise Used.

This workshop is organised around the idea that if a manager or a team can gain insight into how they, (in their own thinking or actions) are actually contributing to the very situation that they are worried about, they will see what action can be taken to move the situation forward. Whether you need to influence your client, boss, co-worker, customer or an absolute stranger, Flawless Consulting™ provides you with a proven system to rise above the many obstacles in consulting to accelerate the value of business partnering, building your capacity to connect as a highly-trusted ally and strategic partner.

The challenge of every engagement with a client or business partner, is to help reframe their understanding of what they are up against.  If they knew what the underlying problem was, they would not need us. What is called a “problem”, in the beginning, is most often a symptom of how the situation is being managed.  What keeps us and or partners stuck, is the story that exists about what is going on. One powerful way to make a difference with a client, is to help reframe the story in order to create an opening for new problem solving and real change.  This occurs in Flawless Consulting® 2 during the discovery and feedback phase of consulting.

The objectives of Flawless Consulting® 2: Discovery and Feedback are to learn how to conduct discovery sessions and to develop feedback and decision support skills that increase your client’s ability to have a strong and positive impact on their business results.

  • The first thing you learn is that the “presenting problem” is rarely the real problem;
  • You will develop skills to know how to work with the client to identify your client’s contribution to the problem and build trust;
  • Practice a data collection or “discovery” model;
  • Conduct interviewing meetings to collect data around a business issue;
  • Deal with resistance you experience during the data collection process;
  • Practise how to condense data into core issues in order to provide independent, descriptive feedback to client in a manner that they want to receive;
  • Skills to conduct a successful feedback meeting;
  • Identify methods for mapping out action steps with the client prior to implementation;
  • Increase your client’s commitment to partnering with you to deliver the solution;
  • Gain skills in turning recommendations into a decision to act.

This is the second workshop in the Flawless Consulting® series and you must have completed the full Flawless Consulting® 1: Contracting workshop before participating in Flawless Consulting® 2: Discovery and Feedback.

This is a world-class program. We are able to incorporate limited customisation and remind you that it is  available as an online, live or blended workshop.

For more information, please contact Kym on 082 453 9393 or at

Nadia Mason
Learning Process Facilitator, Citizen Leader Lap
Understanding what resistance is was illuminating. The awareness of how one can take a position in the discovery interview unknowingly was a rude awakening. This in turn entrenched the need for objectivity, distance and curiosity whilst holding the contract in mind. The practice of two good faith responses followed by naming the resistance was powerful. I am empowered by the built in training muscle development to be courageous and to dance with awkwardness and fear.
Daniel Burger
A fantastic practical way to learn the very difficult skill of being a great consultant!
Noah Tembo
Procurement and Maintenance Services, Bank of Zambia
This is a very useful and valuable course.